Sunday, November 02, 2008

Contest Winner Announced!!!!!!

I was in awe of the response I got from the 'Name this Colorway' Contest!  I'm always in shock when I see the amount of people who check out this wee little blog.  I want to thank everyone for making this Contest such a success!  I have enjoyed the response so much that I am planning to do one again after Thanksgiving, so stay tuned.....

Oh, wait.....  I bet you are wondering who won aren't you!?!

Not to keep you all in suspense any longer.......

Well, maybe a little longer......

Drum Roll Please Maestro.........



The Winner is.........


There were some absolutely wonderful names submitted, so this decision was very hard to say the least.  I  really do appreciate all of the wonderful responses!  You all ROCK!!!


Bea said...

Seriously? Cool. :) I'll have to email you when I get home tonight. Thanks!

Turtle said...

congrats Bea! yes, an appropriate name!

Other Fun Facts..................

I taught myself to knit by watching a woman while on a flight from Scotland to the USA in 1996.

I taught myself how to spin yarn Feb 15th, 2007. I think I've done fairly well:)

'Lunabud' is a combination of two dogs' names I was loved by, Buddy and Luna:)