Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Yard

We have spent the past few days doing quite a bit of yard work. I don't have pictures up of all the work we have done and of course we are no where near finished. But we have a good start going on around the house.

Over the next few weeks, we are planning the following: Till up a garden on the right side of the house for our heirloom tomatos we started back in January. These include but are not limited to: Persimmon, Mr. Stripey, Hawaiian Pineapple, Goliath, Mortgage Lifter, etc. Finish digging out the remainder of the old landscaping and replace with some nice uniform shrubs and trees. Last but not least..... We are wanting to put a larger deck on the back of the house with a smaller patio below for the walk out door of the basement.

You think we might be trying to be a tad over ambitious? LOL

The face pots.

I will not take down my favorite Halloween pumpkin. He's just so cute in a tormented kind of way:)

View of the front porch. The bushes under the three windows will be dug out hopefully this week end to make way for and ever green shrub that will retain some green through the winter. The little red maple use to be on the left corner of the house near where the new tree below is.

New Japanese Maple. Darn if I don't just adore the foliage on these trees!

Mixed pots are so pretty. I think I have had these pots for about 10 years now. Well these and countless others that are in the garage and back

Monday, April 27, 2009


Just a quick blurb on my latest finished project......

This was my second shawl that I made on a borrowed triangle loom. Still needs to be washed and the center bit evened out once I took it off the loom and gave it a flick. So excited to have it finally finished. The first one went to my Granny and she loves hers:)

Close up of design.

The shawl before finishing the fringe and taking off the loom.

Will upload more photos of it once it has been washed and I have decided whether to bead the fringe or not. Still on the fence on this one. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE BEADS? YEAH OR NAY?

More Yarn for Chris's Sister....

I have 3 more balls of 100% handspun alpaca yarn to send off to Chris's sister. I am really looking forward to seeing the finished blanket. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about. Over a year ago, I made a deal with Chris of CRW Alpacas (see link on the right) to spin 1 lb of each of her past and present alpacas into yarn and send that yarn to her sister who will then crochet that yarn into a blanket for Chris.

The top two balls are from Fudge. Fudge has a lovely dark chocolate brown coat with loads of pristine white scattered through out. You can not really see in the second photo, but that one has just a smidgen of white hairs in it as well. The ball on the bottom is Belle's cria fleece and it is absolutely to die for!

I have just washed some more of fudge and this last skein from him will be pure dark chocolate brown. Simply makes me want to munch down on a Hershey's Bar! Yummie

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Been a While.........

Yes, I know, I'm a bad, bad blogger. But, you see, the story goes something like this..........

In February I helped move the 9-5 job to another town an hour away. Lets just say it was some major heavy machinery in a steel factory and all offices, equipment, etc. They wanted to keep me on, but the drive and a few other serious issues (moral) were getting to me. So I went in two weeks ago today to give them my notice.

Well..... They gave me a raise. I was so disappointed with myself that I went in the next day to quit. Lo and behold.... the owners were not there. The next day(Friday), I was going to quit, but I had to help finish up the trade show set up. So I decided to wait until Monday. They still were not in, so I packed up my stuff and sent them an 'I'm resigning' email.

It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my back!

Now, I am planning on spending the bulk of my time hand painting fibers! It's a huge leap for me. I still have my part time gigs (property management and helping Mom w/ the shop), but this is my own thing! And I love it!

Granted, dying fibers is not going to pay the bills, which is why I have my Bill and the other jobs:) Right now, I am just hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that it pays for its self. It is just darn right warm and fuzzy to think that I am doing something that is mine, all mine.

Any hows, here are a few of the new items you will see over the next few days at LunabudKnits.

Fingering weight superwash, mohair top and superwash pencil roving.
Left out are: Carbonized Bamboo top and a faux cashmere top that I am eager to discover how well it dyes:)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Custom Order

I simply love custom orders. This one was finished just the other day. 4.7 ounces of my Superwash Merino Lamb's Wool was hand spun for a knitter who loved the colorway, but did not know how to spin. I might just have to whip up some more rainbows for

The Top

The single ready to be plied.

The finished Rainbow Yarn:)

Other Fun Facts..................

I taught myself to knit by watching a woman while on a flight from Scotland to the USA in 1996.

I taught myself how to spin yarn Feb 15th, 2007. I think I've done fairly well:)

'Lunabud' is a combination of two dogs' names I was loved by, Buddy and Luna:)