Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Tangled Yarn

Knit Night at the yarn shop is totally AWESOME!  This week, we had 15 people in the little shop all at one time!  10 regulars and 5 new faces.  As luck would have it, there were enough sitting places for everyone. 

Often, I am asked if it brings in sales.  To be honest, not a whole bunch.  But, Knit Night is not about making money.  It is about camaraderie, the joy of textiles and supporting one another in our fiber pursuits.  And I  LOVE IT!

Fred cuddles on the couch between knitters.  He would have preferred to sit on the pattern of the knitter on the right!

Regular feet mixed with new feet:)

We also had the new Juniper Moon Yarn arrive on Monday.  Gorgeous stuff!!!
A few of the rovings I made in the carding class over the week end.


Delighted Hands said...

I do miss the camaraderie of other knitters! Looks like a great time-

LunabudKnits said...

We have a really nice group of gals that meets every week. It makes having the shop open late so enjoyable!

Other Fun Facts..................

I taught myself to knit by watching a woman while on a flight from Scotland to the USA in 1996.

I taught myself how to spin yarn Feb 15th, 2007. I think I've done fairly well:)

'Lunabud' is a combination of two dogs' names I was loved by, Buddy and Luna:)