Sunday, October 30, 2011

Southern Indiana FiberArts Festival

It is definitely past due for a blog post. Several weeks ago, I was thrilled to again be a part of the Southern Indiana FiberArts Festival in Corydon, IN. Yes, this little fiber frolic happens at the same time as Rhinebeck. No, it is not as big as Rhinebeck. But, it is a heart warming group of dedicated vendors who make this little fair better and better each year!

This year, I did not have a helper so unfortunately did not have much of a chance to snap shots of the other vendors. I did of course get a shot or two of my booth and the Kintner House where I stayed:)
Dining Room

My bedroom.  don't you just love the handmade quilt on the bed?
My booth

Purse I needle felted from my fibers.

Wool Locks

Merino Tops

Like I would go to a festival and leave the happy sheep behind:)

Wall 'O' Wool

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kentucky Wool Festival 2011

The Kentucky Wool Festival was over yesterday and I have to say I am absolutely blushed. If you remember last year I stayed with the Yeltons and I was pleased as punch pie to have a return visit with them this year. Cheryl of Purdy Thangz and I were truly blessed to share in the Yelton's special brand of Kentucky Hospitality this year. Have to say I count myself lucky to have met and come to know Jim and Lana these past two years.

Side one of the booth full of wool.  This was the first show I got to play with the new wire panels and bins.  I think they still need a wee bit of tweeking, but they should be fun at future shows.

The other side full of yarns.  These were taken on the end of the second day.  By the third day, I was almost wiped clean. 

The boots on a section of fence posts were intriguing.

If only there were some way to find out the idea behind the boots on the fence.  

This little fellow, Jack, greeted me at Jim and Lana's by thoroughly looking through my bag for contraband.  He finally settled on an old receipt.  How stinking cute was that!?!  BTW, Jack is part of Jim and Lana's Flour Creek Dachshunds kennel.

Cheryl, aka Purdy Thangz, on our last morning with Jim and Lana.

An older version of the Louet S75 that is close to 20 years old and still a true work horse!  

Jim and Lana in front of their cabin.

The view from Jim and Lana's front porch.

Unfortunately, I missed getting snap shot of the other vendors.  You can take my word for it, there was fabulous fibery goodness everywhere in our tent!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Beeswax Candles

In today's mail were most wonderful candles from Mother Seraphima and the Sisters of the Holy Nativity Convent.  Upon opening the box the most delicious aroma of honey and beeswax surrounded me and made me feel loved.  The candles are hand dipped by the Sisters and if you are interested in partaking in this heavenly smell, please visit their website:  Holy Nativity Convent. They are so lovely;)

This bundle is destined for my sweet Granny who is not doing so well at the moment.  If you have a few moments in your day, can you think of her with kindness and love today.  Thank you so very much.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Le Stash

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you talking about stash this and stash that.  Well, I'm here to tell you that my stash is bigger than most!  There are probably a few out there that can trump me, but I bet they could be counted on one hand...hahaha

It started very simply and innocently with the desire to learn to make my own yarn.  From there it became a minor addiction that grew into a small little idea that I could sell some of my stash to get fresh stash.  It very quickly snowballed into what is currently known as the house of wool.  The snow ball event occurred shortly after the company I worked for went belly up.  As luck would have it,  during that same time period, the fiber stash enhancement business was starting to take off.

Now, I do have to be honest here quite a bit of the fiber seen in these photos is shop stock, but until the shop is up and running I am considering it stash.  I see that as OK, because if it doesn't sell or the store never opens, it will remain a permanent fixture in my stash!  Good think I only pick up things I like!

Big pink UFO behind bag of yarn and roving.  What you don't see are the 7 skeins of handspun yarn in the tiered bins of the 2 huge bags of fluff and yarn to the left behind the UFO. 

Handspun for a sweater on top of hand-dyed.

Weighed and to be priced.

Ready to head to the Fair!

Almost missed showing this 2 pounds of fiber:)

These were hiding in plain view too.
The Pink bags are full of dyed tops.  Not seen is a bag of washed fleece which is the remainder of the fleece to be spun from the white handspun yarns in the bag a few photos ago.  And yes, that is a loom under all the wool!

Bin 'O' Batts

Weighed out tops on top of carder stash bin
Inside carder stash bin.

More tops on top of carder in box on left and you guessed it more combed dyed tops in box on the right. The bag on the right is just for my spin-in stash.

Carder with scrappy bin to left

Yarns on the drying rack.  Yep, they are all dry, just need to get them in before nightfall and this was the only spot open because........
The indoor drying rack, aka the chandelier, was full of lace yarns drying.

From left to right:  fleece, roving from Tanglewood FArm, Coopworth, & handspun I don't want to part with (yet).

Fibers & Yarns on my favorite to spin in cat scratched wing back chair.  Note the two smaller bags under the TV on the DVR box.  Yep, you guessed it....  That's fiber too!

How many wheels can you count in this picture.  Note one doesn't look like a wheel at all.

The sheepy wheel next to a box of you guessed it more fiber.  this one is just 1/2 full

The Pirtle spinning wheel.

Fleece in the garage.  would you believe I open these and check them every month?

Yeah, I'm a little crazy.

Crazier still....

Does this @#%DQ$% ever end!?!

Nope, it doesn't.

See, I told you so. Fleece in black bag on top of 4 shetland fleeces in bin.  I missed one or two in the garage I think.

corner of shop stock room.

This is my prized possession.  Not sure when or if I will be spinning it, but I am keeping it for a very special project.  I would not part with this fleece for any amount of money!  Chris, if you are reading this, you know what fleece this is!

Old stash.

More old stash from back in the day that my stash actual fit in a freaking clothset.  

shop stash.

More shop stash.

Now that I am done describing all the stash photos, I have come to the conclusion that I seriously have a problem.  And it's not that I have too much stash.....  It's that I realize I have a few more stash spots that I forgot to photograph, such as the cedar chest, trunk, drawers, my Gran's garage................

Yep, I have gone a bit over the top, but thankfully the shop stash will be separated from my personal stash soon.  Both Bill and I look forward to that day.  

Kentucky Wool Festival

This weekend why not join us for the Kentucky Wool Festival in Falmouth, Kentucky.  The Festival is a huge arts and crafts show and we are so very lucky that one entire tent is dedicated to wool and fiber!  The really neat thing about the vendors of the Wool Tent is that on Friday they will bring bus loads of kids through and we will be demonstrating our fiber crafts for the kids.  How cool is it that we get to pass along a bit of our history!?! 

Here is a list of the vendors:

We are looking forward to seeing you this week end!

Other Fun Facts..................

I taught myself to knit by watching a woman while on a flight from Scotland to the USA in 1996.

I taught myself how to spin yarn Feb 15th, 2007. I think I've done fairly well:)

'Lunabud' is a combination of two dogs' names I was loved by, Buddy and Luna:)