The Foyer....still in need of cutting into the ceiling. It was a tan/peachy color.

The Kitchen... It is finished now and has black whirlpool range, fridge and under-cabinet microwave. Previous color was an almost hunter green (like in the living room). Finished color is Lyndhurst Mushroom.

The Living Room... Here you can see the green that was in the kitchen. This room is finished with Lyndhurst Mushroom tinted paint. Originally, where the dry walled shelf was there was a wall with a cut out for a pre-fab electric fireplace (what a waste of money). Anyhow, we crawled in and looked up to see that it was completely hollow inside. So, we opened it up, leveled the sides as it was extremely crooked, and added a shelf to use for display.

Ah... The Dining Room... When I first saw this room, I thought baby poo yellow. I don't know what they were thinking when they chose the color for this room, but follow the yellow brick road came to mind. The room is now a Wedgewood Green color. It is a huge room and we are thinking that 1/2 of it can be a dining room and the other 1/2 my spinning wheel area.

Bad Yellow Brick Road..... Good Wedgewood

The Half Bath... Not a bad color, but definitely not the best either. This will be painted Lyndhurst Timber.

The Second Floor Hall...... Was the same color as the foyer, half bath and stairway. It is being changed by Painter Don to a lighter and less peachy Oatmeal.

The Shared Bath.... When you first gazed upon this room you had to put a hand up to shield the glare from what could only be described as a neon yellow color. I don't like being shocked first thing in the morning, and I assume any overnight guests would feel the same, so the color is now Oatmeal like the hallway:)

The Pink Bed Room.... Honestly this color was not bad. In fact, it would be perfect if we had a little girl, but we do not, so it got a coat of left over paint from the Master bedroom Lyndhurst Timber tinted. This will either be my stash room or a guest bedroom.

The Kermit Bed Room.... Just a wee bit on the froggy green color for our tastes. We actually think it verges on being neon green. This room got two coats of Oatmeal. Will be either my stash room or a guest bedroom.

The Master Bedroom.... The original colonial blue was not bad at all. Unfortunately it did not mesh well with the other colors we chose for the house. You can see where it has already been painted Lyndhurst Timber.

The Master Bath.... I can only say I dislike improperly installed sliding shower doors that are the incorrect size almost as much as I dispize the hideous roman column wall paper topped off with a cheap bath tub border. This room will probably be the last one to be done as I hate stripping wallpaper. Might use the Wedgewood green in here, but that might change depending on what left over paint we have.

The Basement (AKA The Boy Room).... Not a bad color, but again, it has to go. The new color is rolling on much darker than the paint sample is and looks almost like slate, but we like it and have decided to do two accent walls in Oatmeal (because the 3 gallons of the slate just are not going to cut it).

The Basement...... This section of the basement leads to the steps.

The 'Unfinished' Basement..... This is Bill's little project room. It is water proofed already, but we decided another coat of a water proof sealer would not hurt anything. See Bill hard at work! Isn't he a cutie:)
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