I posted this to the spinning group and thought, might as well post it here too. It started because a woman was hurt by her teenage sons dis-respect of her spinning and posted to the group about it. Here is my response. What do you think?...........................................
I like this topic. Mainly because it reminds me of how I was as a teenager. I was angry at the world and not really sure why. My Uncle gave my Mom some very sage advice..... You raised her right. Eventually she will remember that.
That advice was so true! Some times we all need to find our place in the world:)
In my opinion (Lord knows I have enough of them!), there is much wrong with the world right now, I'm surprised our youth are not more messed up than they are. I'm not sure that the movies and television shows really are the problem as they are fiction and meant as entertainment. I blame much of it on the media and their use of 'yellow journalism'. Sensational headlines are head turning, but in truth it is gossip and we as a society become so enthralled by the suffering of others.
The sad thing is that one must read between the lines to find the truth in what the media reports. For example, growing up, the town I live in was small and a wonderful place. Sure we had a few bad eggs that liked to stir up trouble, but for the most part it was a great place to grow up. I remember one day in high school, two boys who had been fast friends became angry with one another and got in a fight. It just so happened that one boy was black and the other white. Well the media in the big town next door got a whiff of it and next thing you know..... News vans were parked on the high school lawn reporting that there was a racially motivated fight that happened.
I often wonder why we don't stand up to things like this. It simply disgusts me that we are afraid to voice the truth, because it is not as interesting or entertaining. It infuriates me to no end that the media is allowed to go on like it does. Creating sensational headlines to gain ratings. Why don't they try to bolster humanities spirit by reporting about the good in the world instead of drug addicted, alcoholic starlets, murder death and decay of the spirit. Why do we allow them to do this to us!
And we wonder why our children are depressed and lash out. Wouldn't you if all you knew of the world was evil and wickedness outside of your small reality? Why must we belittle someone else to feel good about ourselves? You know where hope and help live so does love and compassion and value in ones self. When will we start seeing more of the good in the world?
Hmmmm..... Guess you could say that I am still lashing out a little......lol